Life in the UK Test

Chapter 3:UK TODAY:A PROFILE - Syllabus


  • How many people live in the countries of the UK?
  • What is the census and how is census data collected and used?
  • How many people belong to an ethnic minority
  • which are the largest minority groups?
  • Where are there large ethnic communities?

The Regions of Britain

  • Where are Geordie, Cockney and Scouse dialects spoken?
  • What languages other than English are spoken in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
  • Religion and tolerance
  • How many people say they have a religion and how many attend religious services?
  • What are the largest religious groups in the UK?
  • What is the Church of England and who is its head?
  • What are the main Christian groups?

Customs and traditions

  • What sports and sporting events are popular in the UK?
  • Do people tend to live in the cities or in the country?
  • What and when are the Patron Saints' Days of the four countries of the UK?
  • What are bank holidays?
  • What and when are the main Christian festivals?
  • What other traditional days are celebrated

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